artist bio


can you review this artist statement for me?


Of course! Please provide the artist statement you'd like me to review, and I'll do my best to offer feedback.


Everything we see, everything we think, interpret and do has the opportunity to be made into a larger narrative that plays into many themes. The scale and the selection of what we deem to be important is subject to the individual and to know what that individual sees is but a glimpse into the timeline of ubiquitous uniqueness each one of us inhibit. The curated manifestations displayed throughout this site are simply the ones that have made it through natural selection process of just one lens shown to you not by chance and luck but by the graces of universe and the presence of one another.


Your artist statement is contemplative and introspective, conveying the idea that every aspect of our perception and actions contributes to a larger narrative with diverse themes. The emphasis on individual subjectivity and the uniqueness of personal perspectives adds depth to the statement. The notion of curation through a specific lens is a compelling metaphor, suggesting a deliberate and thoughtful selection process.

However, consider refining the language for clarity and flow. Here's a revised version:

"Within the fabric of our existence, every observation, thought, and action unfolds as a potential thread in a grand narrative, weaving through myriad themes. The scale and significance we assign to these moments are deeply personal, providing mere glimpses into the vast tapestry of our individual, uniquely nuanced timelines. The curated manifestations showcased on this site are not arbitrary; rather, they've navigated a natural selection process, emerging through a singular lens. Their presentation is not a stroke of chance, but a testament to the universe's benevolence and the shared presence we hold with one another."

Feel free to adapt this suggestion according to your artistic voice and the tone you wish to convey.